Friday, September 9, 2011

When there is a plane crash, who is responsible for the deaths?

I knows a little morbid, but I'm just wondering. When there is a plane accident and hundreds of people perish, are the airlines responsible to pay for something? Funeral expenses, loss wages for families, do the families receive free counseling? Because if someone is to harm someone else or take their life they face jail time and penalties. I know plane accidents are completely different. But as I was reading about the plane crash in Africa today, I couldn't help but wonder what happens to the families? Are the airlines at all responsible for anything?|||have you heard of a thing called "insurance"? the airlines all carry big policies, since they are in a high risk category. When Pan Am lost the flight over Lockerbie, Scotland, the insurance companies were reluctant to pay, since the "accident" was in reality not an accident at all, but was the result of a bomb. However, after much finagling, wheedling, and cajoling they were forced to pay off. The families are ultimately responsible for the burial, counseling and other expenses, but they usually file lawsuits and receive some compensation from the insurance carriers.

It is just like any other accident; insurance companies pay the costs. The same applies to boating accidents and sinkings, train crashes, bus accidents and, of course, auto accidents.|||Depends who the NTSB and FAA find to be at fault.

(In USA)|||Wwell that is what the NTSB is for. These people determan what coased the crash.

Piolet Error

Mechanical Failer

Acts of GOD

Thy say who fault it is.|||It would depend on the circumstances of the crash... if it was not due to pilot or mechanical error, I doubt that anyone would be held repsonsible. Though I suspect that most airlines would voluntarily provide some aid....|||the passengers|||ya the airline is responciblie 4 the crash and they have to give the families the money 4 like all the expences u said|||It most definitly depends on what the findings are.......

It could be

Pilot error


Maintenance related

Stressed parts

Blame could fall on the airline, the manufacturer, the maker of a specific part that failed, or a combination........|||It all depends the reason for teh crash. May be the technical fault or the weather or the pilots having inadequate experience, ATC guys, etc. When there is crash it is the duty of teh airline to take care of teh wounded and the dead. They are to provide all teh help - moral as well as financial.|||If the accident occurred because of an engine failure etc., some people may sue the airline if they could prove it was the airline's fault. You can also sue if the pilot caused the accident. If the weather (turbulance etc.) caused the crash, you can't sue. Only an investigation can reveal whether you have a case to sue the airline.|||It's gods fault. He could have prevented it. They must have all been sinners. hmmm... so it was thier fault for be sinners.

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