Friday, September 16, 2011

What information should be disclosed on a lease application?

I'm planning to lease a condominium. The current owner gave me a lease application which asks for a variety of information including soc. sec. #, driver's license #, credit cards and their account numbers, checking and savings account #s, etc. I understand that he needs a basis for trusting me to make payments, but is the requested information common? Thanks in advance!|||My applications require, SSN, Drivers License #, the name and address of the checking and savings accounts (not the numbers), credit cards held (not the numbers, I can get those off the credit report) Car plate number, alimony amt, child support amt, references (personal) previous landlord references, names and ages of who will live with you, and who to notify in case of emergency.

Those are the basic's. Credit card, checking and savings account numbers are not necessary. Besides, if you pay by check, the account number is on the check, and the bank cannot disclose any of your account info EXCEPT that you do have an account with them AND that the amount of the check the landlord is holding is in your account.|||I can see a copy of the driver's license but the rest, hmmmm maybe the landlord works for Homeland Security.|||I think he's going a little overboard.

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