Friday, September 9, 2011

Every time i think of my plane journey to america i start feeling sick?

Ever since i went to paris on a school trip, i dread the day i would have to take a plane journey again. I have never felt sick on a plane up until that horrible day and i fear it will happen again on a lOnger flight. For example i am goin to america in summer on a two week tour but i fear i will be sick On the Plane and while im there. It would just ruin my holiday and my parents. Please help! If i am disrracted and if i breathe slow will it help?|||Breathe slowly and deeply, and actually distracting yourself might not help, surprisingly. If you're reading a book or drawing or something while in a plane or car, that often actually makes the sickness does that for me; if I am reading in the car or plane I get pretty sick but if I'm not doing anything (at least, nothing that requires my eyes or concentration) I don't feel sick even a tiny bit.

But maybe distracting yourself with music or something would help. Anything that doesn't require you to really focus your eyes on it.

Also, try ginger. Ginger cookies, ginger candy, ginger ale, anything with ginger. Not ginger flavoring, but actual REAL ginger. It supposedly helps...doesn't help me too much, but it helps a lot of other people so it might help you too.

And don't fly on an empty stomach. Eat something a little while before you leave. Don't eat anything heavy or spicy, but make sure you at least have something in your stomach.

Hope this helps (:|||Try to see it as a rare experiment (for most at least). It's not always you get the chance to fly and see things from another perspective ;). I would trade places with you if I could (for the duration of the flight I mean lol)|||go to

its will really help|||:(

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