Friday, September 9, 2011

How a plane can fly and reach other destination even if the earth is rounding?

we are travelling in the plane even if the earth is rounding.what will be planes average speed? and the earths rotation?|||Don't forget that the atmosphere is being dragged along.

If it wasn't we would all feel a constant, fearsome wind blowing out of the east whenever we went outside!


I was thinking about it too!|||hi,

very described,atomosphere is also dragges.but here comes the concept of frame of reference.

the plane and earth are in same frame of reference.jst take the example,if u throw a ball in a moving bus,it will come in ur hand,not behind u.|||Consider the 'plane travels at CONSTANT ALTITUDE

so like other factors the fact that the earth is round does not apply

(another one added)

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