Friday, September 9, 2011

What type of a plane should I use to shave down a wooden door?

I just had carpet installed and my doors only open a little as they run over the carpet. I went to buy a plane but I saw a few options, and I wasn't sure which would do the right job. My options were: a surface plane, a smooth plane, a butt plane and a block plane.

Any advice would be appreciated.|||Using a wood plane to cut off the bottom of a door is a long and tedious operation even with the best wood plane.

I have done it hundreds of times with a portable electric circular saw (skill saw). To do it right, you have to have a guide so that the cut is perfectly straight. Take to door off the hinges, put it on saw horses, decide how much you need to take off. Measure the distance from the blade to the edge of the shoe, clamp a straight edge guide to the door at that distance from the intended cut. Put masking tape (to reduce splintering) over the area where you will cut and then. Stop! Make certain that you are about to cut the bottom of the door, not the top. You would not be the first to cut off the top of a door instead of the bottom.

Once you have made the cut, now use a plane or sand paper to smooth off the corners and edges. A coat of finish is a nice touch but not really necessary unless exposed to the elements.

Most good handy men have a ready made guide that makes all these instructions simple. Economics: (Skill saw $50, saw horses $25, Plane $10, Replacement door installed $200 and up) Hire a good handyman.|||surface plane will work,but if you want to cut the door down so it will clear the new carpet why don't you use a circular saw,after all it doesn't have to be perfect,and you can get it done in one cut vs. a while when using a plane,normally you end up removing at least a 1/4" from the bottom of the door this is gonna take a while with a plane,and just a minute with a saw|||if it is greater than a 1/4 inch,any flat plane will do.if it greater use a saw then plane lightly and sand to smooth also a belt sander can be used|||For the bottom of a door a saw would do a much better job|||A Jumbo jet or a Phantom...

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