Do I need to rent a special seat for the plane ride for my 18 month old? What are the FDA regulations for car/plane seats for infants/toddlers? Will I be able to tow a car seat in the luggage department on the plane to use in a rental car or such? Or, can I rent a car seat somewhere?|||If your child has reached his or her 2nd birthday, then an approved childseat is required by the Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs). If, however, your child is younger than this (and yours is as you say), then your child can sit on your lap.|||Your child should be in a car seat for their safety. The child restraint you use for them in your car should work, you just need to check the labels on the side of the seat. If you can use it on the plane, it will say it is certfied for use in aircraft. Be sure to bring the car seat instruction manual to point this wording out to any uneducated flight attendants. The FAA does not require child restraints for kids under 2 years, they allow them to be lap children(held for the flight length) Unfortunately, being held by a parent is not safe in a plane, just like it's not in a car. A child restraint in a plane is to protect your child from turbulence, not from crashing. Turbulence can cause the plane to shift unexpectedly and there has been case after case of kids who were thrown from their parents arms into the bulkhead, some who died, needlessly, as a child restraint would have prevented it. After 2 years old, a seperate seat for the child is required by the FAA, but it is up to you to use a child restraint. Children should use a child restraint in a plane until they are at least 40 pounds, after 40 pounds, they can sit with the plane's lap belt. To be safest, you should purchase a seat for your child and bring his car seat.
If you decide to hold your child, I would gate check the car seat and not check it in with regular luggage, as it can get damaged. I also would advise against renting a car seat from a car company. It's always better to bring your own, you know the history of it and it's appropriate for your child. There is no guarantee on those rental seats, they may only have boosters in stock, which would be inappropriate for your child, and most are in filthy condition, not to mention extremely expensive rental fees.
Good luck, have a safe flight!|||most people bring the car-seat with them when they travel...that way they have piece of mind that the seat meets all the REGULATIONS|||When I flew with my son at that age they did not allow me to bring his car seat on the plane. I had to put it with my luggage. I could not carry it on.|||Try to get a bulkhead seat on the aircraft as these have more legroom. You can bring your own seat or the flight attendants should (not completely sure about this though) have baby bassinets.|||Just make sure to bring him a pacifier or something. Nobody wants to hear your screaming kid, when they are already tense and needing a nap. Also - have a barf bag ready for your kid. Other people don't need to be puked on.
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