Friday, September 9, 2011

What caused the Emmerdale plane crash, i don't remember a reason for the plane crashing being determined?

Remember the plane crash in Emmerdale in 1993. I swear there was never a reason announced as to why the plane crashed. And there were no other dead bodies, other than the villagers who perished. A plane usually carries hundreds of passengers. Does anyone know a reason about these things?|||Mxsmanic is of course correct.

That said I will indulge you because this is such an obscure reference that I remember from my past back when I could only dream about being an airline pilot.

Allthough no great fan of emmerdale I remember this episode well. With a couple of notable exceptions I generally found it very boring, only watched because I lived with my folks at the time and my mom loved it.

I remember the episode to which you refer as being very controversial at the time because of the similarities with the real life Pan Am 103 terrorist attack and subsequent crash into Lockerbie Scotland.

To answer your questions no reason was given for the crash because it would not have fit with the storyline as in real life such determinations can take months even years. There was an illusion to the fact that because the airplane was from an eastern bloc country they may never find the reason. Again none of this was real!

It was made clear that all on board perished along with some on the ground. No bodies were shown. The reaction of the locals who when looking for survivors came across the deceased from the crash was enough.|||The crash was 'caused' by a bunch of script writers being forced to come up with a way of removing some boring characters from the soap while at the same time providing a 'dramatic' way of moving a moribund soap into what passes for the real world in tellyland.|||"Emmerdale Farm" was a television series, not real life.

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