Friday, September 9, 2011

If a plane crashes, which part of the plane is more susceptible to impact?

I am flying next week and want to sit in a part of the plane that is not so susceptible to breakage or nosediving to the ground or water. I figure the end of the middle towards the back of the plane is safer. What do you all think?|||You should sit in the very rear of the airplane... That's the part that gets to the crash scene last!|||you found a good place|||SIT IN FIRST CLASS. A PLANE USUALLY CRASHES TAIL FIRST BUT NOT ALWAYS. IF THE PLANE IS GOING TO CRASH YOUR SURVIVAL IS UP TO THE MAN. YOU KNOW GOD. WHERE YOU SIT MEANS NOTHING. ITS PURE LUCK TO SURVIVE A PLANE CRASH. DONT THINK ABOUT IT. ITS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. THERE ARE OVER 4000 FLIGHTS PER DAY IN THE USA THE ODDS OF A CRASH ARE IN YOUR FAVOR THAT THERE WONT BE ONE. HAVE FUN AND ENJOY THE RIDE. THINK HAPPY THOUGHTS AND HAVE A DRINK. GOOD LUCK. HOPE YOU DONT CRASH. YOU WONT.|||Crash landings are the most common, and most injury/death occurs when the plane stops moving and all the seats keep moving forward crushing the people in front. Add to that the wings that carry the fuel also will only move forward. I only fly in the last row or two and prefer an aisle seat, hopefully near a rear exit.|||it really depends on why the plane is crashing, now doesn't it! Generally speaking, in a plane crash, either everyone lives or everyone dies. There are very few cases where some survive and some don't. If you are falling out of the sky from 2 miles up then it really doesn't matter where you are sitting on the plane.

Hundredsof thousands of people fly every year, it's not that big of a deal. You hear about the rare accidents on the news because they are so rare. Stop stressing and experience the friendly skies!|||Strange that you picked the are of the plane which bears the most impact on a normal landing.

Most planes, when they land due to problems, land on their belly, not on the nose. If a large plane were to nose dive, there is no safe place to be except a seat, buckled in and assuming the position. Instead of thinking about that, find a seat that will make your flight more comfortable.|||If you are in a plane and you know it is about to crash then take off all you clothes and put on all your jewelry, I say this because they usually look for the richest people first then they look for the black box.|||How many times have you ever head of a plane crashing and the people in the back surviving? If your plane goes down, you will all die. It's physics. You can't go 500mph and come to a complete stop and live. If you are crashing on takeoff or landing, then it shouldn't really matter. Sitting in the back will keep you alive for another millisecond.|||It really depends on how the airplane crashes. If its under pilot control they'll usually try to flare and make as normal a landing as possible. The problem with this is it sometimes rips the tail off the aircraft. Otherwise if the plane is out of control the most likely part to strike first would be the nose. Basically I would sit over the wing, thats the best all around bet, not to mention the seats the move the least ingeneral if you get motion sickness. I seriously doubt you'll encounter any problems though, so few planes crash compared to how many operate, you've got a better shot of winning the lottery than crashing in an airliner. Unless its russian.....|||It makes no difference. They've studied that for decades and the statistics show that no one place is better than another. But still, the most dangerous part of your trip will be driving to the airport. One thing about airplane crashes though. The pilots are ALWAYS the first to arrive at the scene of the accident so you can bet that they'll do whatever they can to prevent that. So as long as you stay behind them, you should be OK.|||The Flight Recorders are in the rear of the plane to enhance their survival.|||a little bit precautios, arent you? if the plane is going to smash itself against the surface, it doesnt really depend that much where do you sit. in case of belly landing i think the further from the wings the better, the closer to the crew cabin the better. this place should be safe from the fire and close to the emergency exit. the rear half of the plane most probably would get torn away, rolling several times around its axis, or get scraped by the runway surfaceup to your legs level.

enjoy your flight. it is safer than average trip by car.|||in tests taken the rear area behind the wings is the best place to be, but if the aircraft is going fast enough ..( crash and burn city) take a parachute , ( just kidding) you will be ok, sitting in the rear of the aircraft is the place where usually not too much damage does happen in the event of a catastrophic incident|||If you're afraid to fly, don't fly.|||emergency water landing at 600 miles per hour haha.... i dont think anyone is going to survive any serious crash ( you have to be lucky).... most serious airplane crashes are very bad and thats if the fuel tank doesnt explode and burn everything in a 2 block radius....|||Plane Type: 757

Safest Seat: Seats 10A and 10F. Though these are window seats, there are no 9A and 9F seats to block your escape, and the exit doors are just a couple of feet in front of you.

Plane Type: 747

Safest Seat: Rows 61 through 64, closest to the window. The 747 tapers near the rear, and as a result, there are no window seats in those rows, just extra space to help you relax during a flight鈥nd escape in a crash.

Plane Type: MD80

Safest Seat: Rows 21 and 22 have an extra eight inches of legroom because they are near the emergency exits. And they're far away from the engines, which are in the rear of this plane.

Plane Type: 737

Safest Seat: As far rear as possible.

For safety records of each individual airline and airplane type, check out For seating charts, check out|||Best bet, if any, sit cloest to the emergency exit door/window.|||DON'T SIT IN THE FRONT.


Try to be on a A340 (Best Saftey Record).|||As a flight attendant, the nose and front end are most suseptable, If you notice in most cashes the tail is usually in tack!|||Your odds of living through a plane crash are pretty slim no matter where you sit. Fly first class--ahead of the engines--so at least you'll have a comfortable and quiet trip.|||From mid-point to the rear end of the plane are the most safe part of the plane... As for me if I get into a crash, we probably will all die so I don't worry about|||Aircraft types differ as do impacts.

You want to make God laugh?

Just confide all your plans.|||DON'T WORRY -- BE HAPPY ___ SAFER THAN A CAR|||The tail section is the least vulnerable, So pick your seat at the very back, and remember in this day and age flying is as safe as driving if not safer! Bon Voyage :)|||Over or near to the wings is the strongest part of the plane, so thats generally quite a safe area. In a nose dive, the back of the plane will suffer the least g-forces, so thats also quite a good place.

To be honest though, its very rare that planes crash. If you are nervous about flying, just try not to worry. If need be, im sure you will be able to find some tips to help you stay calm on the internet.

Dont worry you will be fine!!!

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