Friday, September 9, 2011

If a plane start from a point on earth to the just opposite point .How can it reach faster?

If a plane flyies between two opposite points on earth , when it will reach faster. If it flies anti earth rotation or towards towards the earth rotaion or its doesn't matter which side its flying. What i mean to know is will earths rotaion effects the relativity of a plane when it fly.|||Of course it matters, because if it flies against the rotation it will have a lot less distance to fly; the ground underneath will be moving towards it. Going in the direction of rotation, the point it is heading toward will be moving away.

Relativity only matters with respect to the absolute velocity of the object, which will not be significantly different in either direction.|||Earth's rotation doesn't matter.|||yes "Misteryguy..." is right the Earth's rotation doesn't matter... why would it?|||I think that if the plane flies against the earths rotation it will get there in less time than if it flies with the earths rotation.

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