And are there planes that can get you there faster than otheres
it takes like 12 or 13 hours to get to japab iev heard and if you got there sooner plz!! give me some tips how to pick the right plane. Thanks and Plz share|||if you meen airline, try their national carrier (japan airlines or british airways) or united airlines (NEW FIRST AND BUSSNIESS SEATS!!!), i suggest you look at a website called Seat guru, it has all the info for the type of plane, like what they serve, the entertainment, but really go for the 747|||Many arilines are capable f different things however Singapore, British and Air New Zealand Airways have all one best airlin. these would be a good choice. the 747 is not always the most efficent aircraft to travel on.
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|||Particular planes are usually luck of the draw. Different companies use different planes. Some might use two different types for the same route. As far as airlines, I have to suggest Virgin Airlines. They have exellent service. The people running that airline really do want to make sure you enjoy your flight.|||Both BA and virgin are good, singapore airlines are also excellent, and cathay pacific is yet another good carrier.
virgin if flying economy, BA or virgin if flying business..
BA club is very good, and virgin upper is damn fine too.
I would avoid some of the airlines from less developed countries, the air safety is questionable on some carriers.|||Depnends on the Airlines you are flying. If a long international flight its most likely a Boeing 777, 747, Airbus A340 or Maybe a A330. I have heard the Boeing tends to be a little more rigid, so its isn't as subject to as much movement. (Not sure if there is any proof, just something I heard)
With that said any newer Aircraft you are probably going to have pretty good comfort level.|||Boeing tripple7 has a high cruisespead and ability to fly long distances nonstop. airlines who are nice to fly with? Malaysian airlines and singapore airlines, good service and luxues chairs, even in economyclass. time for travelling does not differ much per airplane you use, cause they have a schedueld time of departure and arrivle. so a 12 hour flight will be 12 hours both on a 74 or 777, the concorde was an exception tho, but this bird is history
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