What are the chances of a plane crashing?
Im 17, its my 3rd time going to mexico by plane. Im still scared of the plane crashing. It could be hijaked or could crash by the pilot messing up and hitting another plane. Also my luggage could be stolen. What are the odds and what are the risks of these things happening. Thanks ans top asnwer is 10 ptz.|||Hey, relax and enjoy it! Check out the statistics:
http://www.planecrashinfo.com/cause.htm|||Funny that they tell you to relax when 2 plane crashes have happened in the past month and oddly enough there all in my STATE and nowhere else!
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|||You have more chances being killed in a car than in the plane. I would be scared to drive there not to ride in the plane.|||from the movie "the day after tomorrow", 1 in 1000000000.
and dont worry. it wont get hijacked and luggage is usually safe. just get to the luggage racks fairly quick so yours isnt the last bag going around to pick up.|||The odds are in your favor. You could always pull a Rain Man and pull up the statistics of the airline your are taking. They will tell you how many crashes or mishaps they have had in relation to how many flights they have made.|||miniscule for plane crash..a little higher for luggage missing...you could be hit by a bus going to the airport or killed by a freak tornado tonight...don't pack anything you can't live without.|||From the link below:
Your chances of being involved in an aircraft accident are about 1 in 11 million. On the other hand, your chances of being killed in an automobile accident are 1 in 5000. Statistically, you are at far greater risk driving to the airport than getting on an airplane. However, the perception is that you have more control over your fate when you are in your car than as a passenger. Experience shows otherwise considering that over 50,000 people are killed on the highways every year.
Media coverage would suggest that such events happen daily. Studies have shown one would have to fly once a day every day for over 15,000 years in order to statistically be involved in an aircraft accident! Yet stories of aircraft accidents are between 150 to 200 times more likely to receive front-page coverage than other more common causes of death. Consequently, fearful flyers develop a negative bias toward flying. That is, they will bias their perception to notice those events and experiences that support their fears. Those fears become validated by the continual bombardment of information related to airline safety following an accident. Who can forget the horrifying coverage of the airplanes flying into the World Trade Center on 9/11 replayed over and over until the major networks agreed it served no purpose to replay the events?
Airplane disasters and plane crash statistics make for more dramatic, "eye-catching" newsprint. Not nearly enough information is printed on aircraft safety and because disasters seem to be more newsworthy to the public, the media is naturally attracted to the financially acceptable print and naturally it is LARGE PRINT in these cases.|||very small. Depending on where in mexico you are going, you have a better chance of being robbed or kidnapped there than a plane crashing.|||My grandmothers name is Irene, but she has since past way,anyway I think you should not worry about statistics and just say a little prayer!|||Common, get a life!
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